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蔡徐坤新歌《Spotlight》歌词是什么 《Spotlight》歌曲歌词介绍

发布时间:2024-12-26 10:00:01作者:linx阅读:




People come and go

Get me high leave me low

I've been believing

That one day I'd find my way home

So where do I go

When the night getwww.196nk.cns so cold

Andwww.196nk.cn it feels like I'm all alone

At some point in time

They say I'll be alright

But it feels like I'm losing my mind

And I know I know I know

Things will never be the same never be the same

I feel it in my soul

Things will never be the same again

I went from city to city and every small town I found

A sip of this whiskey and I196世界之最'm just lonelier now

I know I know I know

ThLLpdMXcings will never be the same again

I'm so sick of this game

They throwin' dirt on my name

When everyone around you changing

That's how you know you made it

I know the price and I pay it

So where do I go

When the night gets so cold

And it feels like I'm all alone

At some point in time

They say I'll be alright

But it feels like I'm losing my mind

And I know I know I know

Things will never be the same never be the same

I feel it in my soul

Things will never be the same again

I went from city to city and every small town I found

A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now

I know I know I know

Things will never be the same again

I've been through the dark

And even there's a light

So I keep holdin' on

A place where I belong

I know I know I know

Things will never be the same never be the same

I feel it in my soul

Things will never be the same again

I went from city to city and every small town I found

A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now

I know I know I www.196nk.cnknow

Things will never be the same again



Spotlight(聚光灯) 歌曲的灵感来源于音乐人蔡徐坤周游世界的经历,他用最简单温暖的吉他叙事,把心声和故事写进歌里,伴着温暖的声线娓娓道来。 发行版本真实还原了录音室现场,没有华丽的编曲修饰,只留下真诚的对白。


本文标题: 蔡徐坤新歌《Spotlight》歌词是什么 《Spotlight》歌曲歌词介绍 本文地址: http://www.196nk.cn/yulezhizui/315545.html


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